Castle Making and Candy Stashes
Chesca Hause is a professional comic artist who draws comics by taking inspiration from her own life. But the best part about her illustrations is that she sketches every character as an animal. Since she hates drawing people, she keeps their personalities but replaces them with animal bodies.
Chesca is a parent who believes that being a rounder for her children will give them immense joy. This comic strip depicts the incidents of her daily life. She wanted her children to enjoy something out of the ordinary. So she used a carton and cut out a castle from it. However, nobody is perfect, and building the ideal castle is not easy.

Even though Chesca tried her best to make a castle for her children, it didn’t go as planned — we’ve all been there. And that is precisely what the artist has depicted through her first comic strip.
One of the downsides of parenting is needing to maintain some discipline in the house. How one goes about this varies from family to family, but it’s something that every parent needs to deal with. As Chesca shows in this comic, kids are still learning and need to be told when they’ve done something they shouldn’t do…

Or maybe they should try harder next time. One of the joys of being an adult is getting to do what we want (within reason) and not have our own parents tell us no. Sometimes, that means staying up late to watch a movie, and other times, it’s buying an extra bag of candy at the store.
Check out Chesca’s other comics at