Having A Bad Day? These Fan Comics Will Put A Smile Back On Your Face
Amid a pandemic and its associated economic downturns, we all need something to give us a good laugh. This is exactly what artist Chuck Ingwersen does with his fan comic cartoons and artworks. His works cover contemporary subjects and silly situations in a funny way to make you smile. His animal comics feature horses, dogs, bears, cats, sharks, and beavers. What makes his comics fun and even more interesting is that they are easy to understand.
Who is Chuck Ingwersen?
Chuck is a Chicago-based comic artist and freelance cartoonist specializing in funny greeting cards. He is also an active webcomic who creates interesting, funny comics on various social media networks. A former journalist, he worked as an editor, reporter, and columnist with a newspaper. However, he later left his job to fulfill his childhood ambition of becoming a cartoonist. In 2008, he started working as a freelance cartoonist.
Chuck, therefore, created the website “Words and Toons” for his cartoons and humor writing works. With time, he started another website called Captain Scratchy. The webcomic “Captain Scratchy” focuses primarily on animals due to his love for animals. He also has a few cartoons and arts on humans, with that notwithstanding. The cartoonist’s love for sharks explains why he utilizes them in most of his artworks.
The artist says he draws his inspiration from his love for drawings. He has an overactive brain, which makes him constantly think to develop comic ideas. Chuck uses animals as a stand-in for humans to address some dark conditions humorously. He uses one to four hours to create a full art piece. “I don’t often delve into very long-form comics, so most of my work falls in the three-to-four-hour range,” he added.